Pacific BX is celebrating the first day of summer (or winter in the S. Hemisphere)

Dell Sherk
Fri, 20 Jun 2003 05:34:39 PDT
Dear All,

    I am sure that you all have noticed the upsurge in activity on our BX.
Wonderful donations have begun arriving, and more are promised. Share the
riches by participating in the BX and keep the ball rolling by donating your
surplus plant material. Please send CLEAN, clearly labeled material to: Dell
Sherk, PO Box 224, Holicong, PA, 18928, USA. Donors will receive credit on
the BX for the cost of postage for their donations.
    If you wish to join the PBS go to our website for more information and a membership

Happy Summer/Winter!

--Dell Sherk, Director, Pacific BX

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