Favorite bulb combinations

Theladygardens@aol.com Theladygardens@aol.com
Sat, 28 Jun 2003 15:36:54 PDT
I don't know that I have much to contribute but really loved my common yellow 
daffodils with Muscari Armeniacum. 
 At my daughters home, It's a rather stark mountain landscape and she loves 
gardening.  I planted many common Stello de oro Daylilies across the front of 
her property.  They provide a wild blaze of bright yellow for a long time in a 
beautiful area that doesn't have a lot of bright color.  
In my garden, I have over 800 hybrid bearded Iris.  My favorite combinations 
are always when an Iris blooms with a color almost identical to the aquilegia 
blooming up through the Iris plant.  This year I had a beautiful blue 
combination of those.
Last year it was a blue and yellow combination that took my breath away!
Carolyn in Los Gatos

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