Favorite bulb combinations

ROBERT PARKER skylark20@msn.com
Sat, 28 Jun 2003 12:25:46 PDT

It is written in the stars..............ONE MAN'S TRASH IS ANOTHER MAN'S TREASURE ! ! !     

This spring, glancing out my dining room window, my spirits soared at the sight of a dozen stalks of
Dutch Iris BLUE RIBBON blazing over a clump of Allium triquetrum.  What caused this elation was no
doubt due to the fact that the Iris had been planted 4-5 years ago and after first year bloom, were
sleeping until last year when three decided to yoohoo.  Also, I'd meant to dig up all the Alliums and
send some to my sister in New York State, but hadn't got around to it.

ALLIUM TRIQUETRUM...............! I've heard some people say.  you GROW Allium triquetrum!!!!! You
KEEP Allium triquetrum!!!!????  Well, when I look at the state my front garden is in (we won't mention
the back forty!)  and you see all that bloom - which is pure milk-white and the fresh green foliage and
the electric-blueviolet of the iris....I'm sure YOUR heart would lift a little at that time of the year.
I decided then and there to get SCADS of BLUE RIBBON and spread it around.  Wouldn't you know,
Dutch Gardens, where I got them, does not expect to sell this variety next year. #%^&*(!!!

ANECDOTE:  The first year BLUE RIBBON bloomed for me (courteously just in time for the IRIS SOCIETY
SHOW),  I brought 5 specimens -  1 entered solo, 3 entered in 3-of-a-kind, and one donated to a lady
who begged a touch-of-blue for her arrangement.  Mt. Olympus smiled at me - I won a Blue Ribbon for
my single entry - a Blue Ribbon for my three-of-a-kind, and the lady with the arrangement walked off  
with a rosette!  So you see, it is a special favorite.  I love its BLUEvioletness rather than reddish hue.

Hope you haven't found this too 'chatty'.....wouldn't want to be kicked out hurly-burly (or is that

ROBERT   PBS 10038

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