Calochortus luteus + cultivar 'Golden Orb'
Sun, 29 Jun 2003 08:44:20 PDT
Just beginning to bloom over the past several days, is Calochortus luteus 
'Golden Orb'.  Observing bins of bulbs at garden centers last autumn where 
Holland bulbs are sold, I thought to myself, this species must be quite growable if 
it can be mass produced, thus I was encouraged to give them a try.  So far the 
results are promising... even after one of our rainiest spring seesons on 
record.  The blooms are simply gorgeous. 

I'm surprised by the height, with large and brilliant yellow flowers on stems 
24"-30" tall (60-75 cm).  I grow bulbs that require summer dryness at the 
base of shrubs and small trees, which has proven to be a good solution for a 
number of bulbs, so I hope that this technique might deliver a long term solution 
towards growing these beauties.  

Nearby, growing at the base of a male fringe tree (Chionanthus virginicus), 
is Calochortus luteus (no cultivar specified), from bulbs purchased from Paige 
Woodward's Pacific Rim Nursery.  The first flower opened today (June 29, 
2003), and its flowers are similar and as lovely as 'Golden Orb'.  

I have posted two photos of 'Golden Orb', and one photo of C. luteus in bud, 
on the PBS Calochortus page at:…

Mark McDonough        Pepperell, Massachusetts, United States    "New England"               USDA Zone 5
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     alliums, bulbs, penstemons, hardy hibiscus, western 
            american alpines, iris, plants of all types!

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