Dear Sheri, I wonder if Ixia 'Jade Green' is a fancy name for Ixia viridiflora. Ixias are Irids and when the seeds come up there is one single leaf (grass-like). Ixias, Sparaxis, Freesias, Gladiolus, Babianas, Tritonias, etc. all look similar when they first come up. When you say regular leaves like a flower do you mean dicot (two leaves)? If you do, what you have is not an Ixia. Most Ixia seed is best started in the fall and in my experience if it is going to come up does so in four to six weeks. I, like many of our photographers, often focus on the flower which I understand does not help very much for identification purposes. I wish there were pictures in books not only of leaves but also of the storage organ when I am trying to figure things out. But I love seeing what the flowers look like so understand why that is what is usually shown. Mary Sue