diana chapman
Tue, 10 Jun 2003 07:30:17 PDT
Hi Arnold:

Here are a few differences between A. palaestinum and A. dioscoridis (both
of which I grow, also A. purpureospathum).

The spathe on A. palaestinum folds back with maturity.  Only A. creticum
seems to do the same out of all the Arums I grow.  In all the other Arums,
the spathe sort of collapses as it fades.  If you tear the inflorescence
apart and look at the spadix, on A. discoridis the spadix narrows for about
1cm or more before it encounters the set of staminodes, which stick out
horizontally in a dense band.  In A. palaestinum, the spadix does not
narrow, and the band of staminodes point downward instead of being arranged
horizontally.  There are some other more subtle differences.

From your photo I think it's A. palaestinum, with abnormal color development
because of growing it under lights.  The smell would indicate it is the
Syrian form.


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 4:44 AM
Subject: Re: [pbs] ARUM PALAESTINUM

> --- Paul:
> I wouldn't doubt that the artificial light has some
> impact on the depth of the color.  I haven't seen any
> others so my frame of reference is limited.
> The point that I am more concerned about is the
> literature that states that it is pleasantly scented
> which mine is definitely NOT.
> Arnold
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