Habranthus query

Erle Randall erle@dsl.pipex.com
Tue, 28 Feb 2012 10:16:50 PST
I am very new to South American bulbs so I need help. I had seed from Jim Archibald in 2008 described as "Flores & Watson 11417...tentatively attributed to H. saltensis." 4 germinated and were potted on in July 2010. I did not notice any growth last year and decided to check the pot yesterday. I found 2 acorn sized bulbs with fresh roots but no sign of a shoot right at the bottom of the pot. I hastily repotted them, hoping that I have caused no damage.
Three questions: How deep should they be planted? ; What is the right watering regime? ; How big is a flowering size bulb?
I have been keeping them alongside my winter rainfall South African bulbs in my glasshouse (min temp 5°C)
Thank you for any tips - I would hate to lose them.

North Wales - grey, damp but mild.

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