Iris lazica

patty allen
Thu, 09 Feb 2012 07:16:20 PST
My Iris unguicularis have been blooming for a month or more down here in Southeast Texas, about to bloom out.
Patty Allen
Bayou City Heirloom Bulbs
Humble, Texas

-----Original Message-----
>From: James Waddick <>
>Sent: Feb 8, 2012 3:44 PM
>To: Pacific Bulb Society <>
>Subject: Re: [pbs] Iris lazica
>>Did I understand that you are growing Iris unguicularis and I. 
>>lazica in the ground?  If so, what temps have these survived without 
>>snow cover and how many years have you had them in the ground? 
>Dear Tony,
>	If you are astounded so am I. They are both in the ground and 
>both have bloomed last year. Both were planted as established plants 
>grown in the cool gh for a year, then planted out in our clay soils 
>on a south facing slope near the house and given a light airy mulch 
>of dry leaves, or pine straw this 'winter'. I think this is their 3rd 
>year, but 2nd winter to bloom in the ground. Last winter got to -6 F 
>and extended number of days below both 0 and more below freezing. 
>Really pretty harsh for us lately. We had quite a bit of damage on 
>some marginal plants, but not on these two.
>	Last year we added I cretensis which is also looking pretty 
>good, but may be too small to flower.  Thanks Jane.
>	Buds have emerged from their sheaths on I unguiculares 
>recently, but no progress yet on I lazica. We expect it will bloom 
>fine, too.
>	Both plants came from Wildwood Gardens of Will Plotner in OR. 
>Will hand carried plants to us during the AIS convention in spring 
>	We tried these in other spots before, but seem to have found 
>the microclimate they tolerate. Fingers remain crossed, but shows the 
>truth behind believing in hardiness until you have killed it 3 x -or 
>more. These are both in front of a lovely and also "tender' bed of 
>Tetrapanax papyriferus. Wonderful plant. Just want a variegated 
>		Best		Jim W.
>Dr. James W. Waddick
>8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
>Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
>Ph.    816-746-1949
>Zone 5 Record low -23F
>	Summer 100F +
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