Pollinators in slow motion

clayton3120 clayton3120 clayton3120@cablespeed.com
Fri, 24 Feb 2012 21:10:21 PST
AHHH, Yes you are right about C. niveus,. I keep pollen frozen in
vials for this very reason.

On 2/24/12, Jane McGary <janemcgary@earthlink.net> wrote:
> Rick wrote,
>   today  I pollinated  C. niveus x C. reticulatus,
>>C. tommasianus roseus x C. niveus,  Crocus baytopiorum x C.
>>chrysanthus 'Blue Pearl' etc etc.
>>Just wondering if other members  are cross pollinating, and what
>>results they may have had.
> You could not have cross-pollinated anything today with Crocus
> niveus, because it is fall-blooming. You must have another big white
> crocus misidentified (C. malyi?).
> Also, I don't know that C. baytopiorum would cross with 'Blue Pearl'
> (which is not C. chrysanthus, but either a selection of C. biflorus
> or a hybrid of that with C. chrysanthus) as they are in different
> sections and have different chromosome numbers. And if you have
> enough C. baytopiorum to work with, you should just self it, because
> it is precious.
> Before embarking on a crocus hybridizing project, one should try to
> obtain the out-of-print (and ridiculously expensive, if you ever find
> it) "The Crocus" by Brian Mathew, which will help one verify the
> identity of one's plants in the first place, and understand their
> relationships. It is quite startling how many different chromosome
> numbers can be found in this genus. Brian Mathew told me he didn't
> think crocuses hybridized much, but other experts have told me they
> feel that hybrids are somewhat likely in a large collection. I think
> I have had volunteer hybrids in Section Crocus, with C.
> cartwrightianus as the seed parent.
> Jane McGary
> Portland, Oregon, USA
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