Dry-stall vs Horticultural pumice ... was algae and moss in seedling pots

Hannon othonna@gmail.com
Wed, 01 Feb 2012 16:31:40 PST
Since so many growers here like to start their seeds indoors, by necessity
or preference, it may be worthwhile for them to set up a small low rpm fan
to drift over the seedbed or seed pots 24 hrs (or most of the time). This
would help reduce excess moisture retention, which seems to be the main
issue as far as algae, etc. It would also improve the general air exchange
and circulation in any enclosed space at a low cost.

Normally I sow in small pots (3" or 4" square) in a mix of sharp sand,
rather fine perlite and rather fine peat, in descending order but not
precise proportions. I find it beneficial-- very important actually-- to
top off the pot (when completely finished) at or very close to the actual
rim. I add an obligate layer of fine granite that is roughly no. 10 grade
(used in roofing here). With a few exceptions these pots all get free or
limited rain exposure and limited direct morning sun and this suits a wide
range of species quite nicely.

The algae and wetness are, I think, mainly, a function of too much watering
and (mostly indoor) conditions that do not allow proper drying.

Dylan Hannon
Los Angeles

On 1 February 2012 15:57, Tim Chapman <tim@gingerwoodnursery.com> wrote:

> After a discussion here about a month ago ( where Physan 20 was mentioned)
> I ordered some. I've used on trays with lachenalia and hippeastrum
> seedlings. Initial I sprayed test areas but have now covered all of the
> algae covered areas.  It had no negative effect on even the youngest
> Lachenalia seedlings ( the Hippeastrum hybrids were older and much larger).
>   I didn't do a drench just used a spray bottle to soak the algae.  I did
> mist the seedlings slightly just to get the chemical off of the leaves, but
> not enough to wash it off the top layer of the trays.   I've had algae
> issues in the greenhouse every year due in part to our humidity and part to
> moisture retaining soil mixes. Even the mostly coarse sand seed mix I've
> made will get algae at some point.
> It seems to work quickly without negative effects.
> Tim Chapman
> > Do you have any experiences with seedlings ??
> >
> > Roland
> >
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