PBS get together 2012 - RSVP open

Nhu Nguyen xerantheum@gmail.com
Fri, 03 Feb 2012 21:08:01 PST
Greetings everyone,

 To celebrate PBS’s 10th birthday, I am organizing a PBS get together this
spring at the UC Botanical Garden in Berkeley, California.

The event will be held on Saturday April 21st and Sunday April 22nd, 2012.
The first day will be the official date of event sponsored by the PBS.
There will be a few short geophyte talks followed by lunch, walks around
the garden (it should be stunning in April) and visiting with other bulb
enthusiasts. We will have a show and tale table, including some material
for trade and sale. If you're thinking about attending, this is a good time
to start thinking about those extra plants!

The Sunday event is an unofficial fieldtrip. We simply get together and
carpool to Mt. Diablo, an interesting destination for CA native plants,
particularly geophytic plants. To tempt you, the geophyte list
includes theendemic
*Calochortus pulchellus, Allium falcifolium* both purple and white
forms, *Allium
serra, Delphinium nudicaule, Fritillaria affinis, Fritillaria lanceolata,
Chlorogalum pomeridianum, Marah fabaceus, Triteleia laxa, Triteleia
hyacinthina, Dichelostemma capitatum, Dichelostemma congestum, Zigadenus
freemontii, Sisyrinchium bellum, Lewisia rediviva, Trillium
chloropetalum*and possibly more!

April in northern California is a beautiful time with sporadic rain and
beautiful sunshine. It is a little too late for the mass blooming of desert
wildflowers in the south (usually first week of April) but northern CA is
usually in good bloom. Even if there weren't lots of wildflowers,
thenorthern CA coast is absolutely gorgeous in April, not to mention
the redwood forests that are not too awfully far away.

So, hopefully with that, I have tempted you enough to think about joining
us for a weekend full of geophytes and company with people who love
them. Already
it sounds like it would be a fun event with people coming from far away. If
you are interested and have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

If you are interested in coming, please RSVP so that I can get a count and
start thinking about food. You can find the registration page here:
AND if you are coming and are interested in giving a short talk on your
favorite geophytes or related topics, please let me know as well.
*Very best and hope to see you in April!

PBS President*

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