@ Steven Hart: This is Lilium OT 'Zanlophator' Triumphator not the original Lilium regale @ Jude: Most lilies grow stem bulbs, but it depends on species and varieties how much. If you plant lilies shallow in a pot they produce large but few bulbs, if you plant them deep in a pot they produce a lot and small. I have had L. nepalense, it produced a few stem bulbs at the top of the mother bulb and at the part where the stem emerged from the soil. BUT!!! If your lily has Sclerotium or Macrophomina phaseoli it will not produce ANY stem bulbs, or just really a few. If the lily has Pythium it depends when the stem dies out, if it dies off soon it will not produce any bulbs. If the lily is infected with viruses it makes a lot os small bulbs. Janos Hungary, Z5a