it is wrong to turn plants around

steven hart
Tue, 14 Feb 2012 16:40:53 PST
How Interesting,  Is it possible that other factors like gravity play any

I ask because i have a number of worsleya seedlings in my shower recess, "
Yes it is a pain to move them every time i have a shower " They are in the
south - west corner of the bathroom.. Its the only place i have been able
to keep them safe & after loosing the first batch to drowning while
floating, from floor movement breaking the surface tension of the water &
the second to rot from contaminated sand, now its perlite only, & 100%
success rate..

What i find very interesting is, there is a wall to the east & to the
south, with no windows, only a small window to the north covered by a thick
bush so almost no light gets in at all & the only sunlight they can get is
from the west.

But in the mornings, especially on very hot days when the house has been
locked up & reaches well over 45* celsius during the day, they have a
tendency to be facing east in by morning, but it is always dark in that

Esk Queensland Australia

On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 3:58 PM, Hannon <> wrote:
Agreed with Alberto on this. It may do little or no harm to induce symmetry
in, say, an African Violet for aesthetic reasons, but in general it is best
to allow plants to grow to face the light as they please. This maximizes
their ability to photosynthesize.

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