Dear Lee, I have been reading the accounts of flowering on this forum with some slightly peeved feeelings. It has frozen here right on the Normandy coast at exceptional temperatures of at least -11°C for the last two weeks. The yellow hellebores look like boiled cabbage and galanthus are blasted for this season except the later ones. It was in 1987 I believe the last time we had any such cold.It did not last so long this time or has not done so yet. Arisarum was up and in full leaf when the deep freeze set in. So much was in flower and leafing up more than a month ahead of time. Then pow! -11°C. I may have lost a few plants.But it was cold last year too. Cycas revoluta came through last year ok under thick snow bit it looks terrible right now. All arums (other than maculatum but even that is very burnt!) and Zantedeschia look terrible.Biarum tenuifolium looks just about OK. Crocus were all blasted too. I had a beautiful flowering Mandragora autumnalis this is very unhappy right now. It was the unseasonal warmth all winter then the terrible cold from the 1st of Feb that has done all the damage. Time will tell what is really dead. Mark, 1924 route de la mer, 76119 Sainte Marguerite-sur-mer, France "Message du 15/02/12 22:03 > De : "Lee Poulsen" > A : "PBS Society" > Copie à : > Objet : [pbs] Did Europe steal North America's winter cold? > > Just saw this photo essay about the really cold weather Europe has had over the past two weeks: . While we've been complaining about everything leafing out and blooming way too early over here, it appears a number of places in Europe have had some really cold weather recently. Snow in Rome and Istanbul, 14°F temperatures in Zone 8 France and Netherlands. I hope no one has lost any of their plants. > > --Lee Poulsen" _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list