Which Galanthus is the true giant snowdrop?

Jim McKenney jamesamckenney@verizon.net
Sun, 26 Feb 2012 19:04:17 PST
I've known about The Giant Snowdrop Company for a long time, probably more than forty years. I do remember seeing their advertisements years later, probably after the company had closed down. I've always assumed that "the giant snowdrop" referred to was Galanthus elwesii. The other day a friend forwarded to me this link:


In this piece the writer explains why, at least in the context of The Giant Snowdrop Company, the giant snowdrop  is, in fact, Galanthus  'S. Arnott'.  

And while there is nothing distinguished about my snowdrop collection, I was pleased to see three (and in a sense four) of the snowdrops I grow mentioned in this article. You can see two of them here in a blog post published a few days before the Telegraph article:


Jim McKenney

Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, 39.021954º North, 77.052102º West, USDA zone 7
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