Hi Ken, I have been using Dry-Stall for a long while and usually get really good results from it. For a few years the grains were pretty small and even. In the last year, they seem to have switched to ones that have a good mix of sizes, even the fine powdery size mixed in, not unlike horticultural pumice. Some people don't like this dust but I don't mind and my bulbs don't seem to mind either. Both Dry-Stall and the common horticultural pumice in California is mine by a single company. I think the only difference between the two is that one is sifted better and the other one has different marketing. Nhu On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 10:30 AM, Ken <kjblack@pacbell.net> wrote: > Is 'Dry-stall' significantly different from Horticultural pumice? I > thought I had hit upon a great thing because it is much cheaper but seems > the same as Horticultural pumice I have bought. I do top with DG > (decomposed granite.) >