What's blooming in coastal Northern California

Nhu Nguyen xerantheum@gmail.com
Thu, 09 Feb 2012 23:06:39 PST
It is always interesting for me to compare what's blooming in my garden
with Mary Sue's who lives about 130 miles north of me. Some of the plants
that she has blooming has not done a thing for me and some that have
finished blooming for me months ago are starting for her.

So far this year I have a few things that bloomed for the first time from
seeds after 4 years. I am so pleased to see them bloom for the first time.
It is the magic of bulb growing.

Zephyranthes "datensis" - I received seeds as this species (from central
Brazil) but there is no such name in any plant database. There is a
Habranthus datensis but I don't think this plant is a Habranthus. Please
comment if you know the ID. It bloomed from seeds after 3 years. I suspect
that if I had a warmer summer, it could bloom in 2 years.

Asphodelus acaulis

Romulea komsbergensis - first time blooming, 4 years from seeds.

Romulea monadelpha - ffirst time blooming, 4 years from seeds.

Romulea hirta - seeds came from the PBS 2007 seed sale, 5 years to bloom
from seeds. Could have been quicker if I had treated it better.

Tropaeolum brachyseras and T. tricolor


On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 5:41 PM, Mary Sue Ittner <msittner@mcn.org> wrote:

>  I've looked up (briefly) some of these things and find that some
> of them are blooming a bit earlier, but others
> are right on track.

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