Linden Hill Gardens is in Ottsville, Pennsylvania. Retail nursery, garden design for clients with deep pockets. I know the owner, Jerry Fritz. He is a nice guy who appears on Martha Stewart's television show every now and then. And the e-mail I just received about his appearance on Martha's show this coming Thursday, March 1st, also mentions plants for sale at the Philadelphia Flower Show where he'll have two booths. If you cannot come to the show, the e-mail notes, he'll mail order galanthus he has for sale. Some really terrible images but an extensive list, astonishingly so. I have absolutely no idea where he's getting them, what the quality is like, how many of each he might have on offer. Prices range from $2.50 to $60 each.… There will be a snowdrop tea party at Linden Hill Gardens on March 17 and 18. If I get there you may be sure I'll report on the event. This is very strange. Galanthomania, anyone? Judy in New Jersey where galanthus are indeed flowering very nicely in my garden****