Oxalis: luteola obtusa buttercup, polished copper, straw purpurea cherry, lavender, white Narcissus: Paperwhites, for some 6 weeks now Soleil d'or Moraea falcifolia. One or two of 6 or 7 in this container are blooming size from seed. I missed it yesterday, getting home from work too late. I have them in 20-ounce / ~450ml foam drinking cups with drain perforations with heavy local clay which I keep moist to wet all season. They spent the last summer outdoors, almost full sun, blazing heat, with rare summer rain and no supplemental watering. Lapeirousia oreogena, 4 plants which are being introduced to each other by me. Grown like the Moraea above. For those of you interested in the bulb exchange, would you like me to send the seed to Dell, or grow it for a few years and send the corms to Dell? Of course I won't be able to plant it until September 2012. Albuca navicula getting ready to bloom. I have heard good reports on the seed I sent to the BX. I thought I had lost two of my three mature bulbs because they didn't grow last season and there was a depression in the container where the plants had been. But they returned after a year's rest. Leo Martin Phoenix Arizona USA