Plant lights

aaron floden
Wed, 29 Feb 2012 04:44:29 PST
 Off the subject of the original request -- With a little work you can get LED lights in the ideal wavelength for plants, install them in some form to hang over the plants. These will last longer, no worries of breaking, and the energy use is extremely limited. Here at the university we were fortunate enough to have some prototypes offered with some cost, but the resulting product is amazing and the response from plants, though not yet quantitatively analyzed, has been outstanding. Premade ones are usually found at hydroponics shops, but be prepared to have the local government watch you if you buy too many!

 E Tennessee

--- On Wed, 2/29/12, Eugene Zielinski <> wrote:

From: Eugene Zielinski <>
Subject: Re: [pbs] Plant lights

I don't know about converters, but I do know that T-8 and T-12 fluorescent
tubes require different ballasts.  

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