Yes, I'm a galanthophile, but a cheap one, so I'm not a galanthomaniac. Here in Victoria, pots of snowdrops in bloom sell for about $3 outside supermarkets. There are four bulbs per pot, unnamed seedlings of Galanthus elwesii, though in some years G woronowii and G nivalis have been sold as well. A friend and I go to the greenhouse that provides them and scrutinize the hundreds of pots. We select ones that are a bit different and usually buy a flat or two. (A flat of 18 pots costs $28). I hybridize them and hope for a spectacular seedling (none so far). A friend in England sends me seeds each year from his collection of named snowdrops. None has flowered yet. (It takes six years) I also buy seeds of various less well-known species. I have a few named snowdrops that I brought home from England. They were gifts from one of the National Collection Holders. Every year one of the public gardens here has a hellebore and snowdrop sale. One year I donated 14 pots of named snowdrops, one per pot, in bloom, for $4 each. Only 7 pots sold. So galanthomania hasn't happened here yet. On 25-Feb-12, at 8:14 AM, James Waddick wrote: > > Do any of you buy $20, $50 Galanthus bulbs? > > Do you think you might be a Galanthophile ? > > What's the most you have ever paid for a single Galanthus bulb? >