it is wrong to turn plants around

clayton3120 clayton3120
Tue, 14 Feb 2012 19:22:30 PST
May I just add,
Years ago, in my travels in England and Ireland, I came  across an
older, experienced Head Gardener at a famous garden (Powis Castle) who
explained that, upon moving some larger Taxus baccata stricta, they
always marked the north side of the plant with a ribbon, so that, when
moving the plant, they could situate the plant in the same direction.
Years later,  I transplanted some 9'  Taxus baccata stricta from a
nursery to a new garden.
I had forgotten this phenomenon, , and planted the Taxus in their new
garden, and position.
Almost immediately, the Taxus began to shed  needles in epidemic proportions.
It then  eclipsed my memory about that famous English gardener's
remarks about how sensitive, and important it is to replant these
species in the same direction  they grew initially
It was too late to determine  what direction each plant  was grown,
but I did  apply a product called Wilt_Pruf , which acted, in all
intents and purposes like a sunscreen, anti-transpirant, and the Taxus
 recovered  and adjusted to their new position, and survived and
I would never move another larger plant without  seriously addressing
this issue.
For what it's worth to other gardeners, the older gardeners and their
experience is worth theirs and our 2 cents.

On 2/14/12, Alberto Castillo <> wrote:
> Kipp, your explanation is  worth printing. So very clear.
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