Iris et al

clayton3120 clayton3120
Thu, 09 Feb 2012 17:13:58 PST
Iris unguicularis  'Frances Wormsley has been in bloom since November, even
in our 5" snow in Seattle.   Yes, it is in the ground.   Their is another
deep violet hybrid, tag lost, but only started blooming 2 weeks ago.
Iris histriodes ' Sheila Ann Germany'  looks smashing next to the  large
 blooming clump of  Cyclamen coum  'Tilebarn Jan'.
 2 years ago I made a cross of Narcissus Bulbocodium Obesus X N.
Bulbocodium 'Jessamy'.  Several of the seedlings are budded after only 2
years, and should open by the weekend.  Can't wait.  If only the Narc.
'Empress of Ireland' crosses were that quick.
On another note, in  the past it used to annoy me when something from a
seed exchange turned out to be something else.  However, I've received some
 super rare , ah hem, rogues  in the packet, and look forward these
In the greenhouse are 5 Lily looking plants from  somewhere around BX 179,
 but they're not Lilies.   It's great, can't wait to see who these mystery
guests are.
Seed exchange bloopers  happen. It's not life and death, it's just seeds.

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