February 2012 Archives by thread
Starting: Tue, 31 Jan 2012 22:16:27 PST
Ending: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 13:08:53 PST
Messages: 563
- A convict story that will fascinate some of you ! Randall P. Linke
- algae and moss in seedling pots Ken
- pbs] Galanthus for warm climates Mark BROWN
- Galanthus suggestions for S. California Tom Mitchell
- Pacific Bulb Society BX 302 Dell Sherk
- Including the previous message/Digest choices Robin Carrier
- Lapeirousia season James Waddick
- algae and moss in seedling pots Gene Mirro
- algae and moss in seedling pots MARK MAZER AND FREDRIKA MAZER
- Unusual Amaryllid foliage Alberto Castillo
- What's in Bloom J.E. Shields
- Language Greg Ruckert
- Top-dressing or not Leo A. Martin
- Lapeirousia season Leo A. Martin
- algae and moss in seedling pots Leo A. Martin
- Lapeirousia season Leo A. Martin
- New Moraea photos on the wiki Michael Mace
- calling all galanthophiles Ina Crossley
- Lapeirousia season John Grimshaw
- Lapeirousia season John Grimshaw
- language debacle sparked memory Daniel Kerr
- Physan and ... algae and moss in seedling pots Daniel Kerr
- Plastic shelving Russell Stafford
- Lapeirousia season Michael Mace
- Hippy calypratum seedling care The Silent Seed
- Habranthus or Zephranthes? terry frewin
- Scadoxus katherinae Ina Crossley
- Plant benches in strong sun Leo A. Martin
- Patron saint of Lapeirousia Leo A. Martin
- Patron saint of Lapeirousia AW
- PBS get together 2012 - RSVP open Nhu Nguyen
- PBS get together 2012 - RSVP open Theladygardens@aol.com
- Ranunculua asiaticus single flowered Peter Taggart
- Ipheion uniflorum hardiness Jacek Zwoliński
- What is Blooming J.E. Shields
- Pacific Rim Randall P. Linke
- another rain lily terry frewin
- Patron saint of Lapeirousia AW
- Germination experiment nicking Pasithea caerulea Gastil
- Germination experiment nicking Pasithea caerulea Michael Mace
- Plant benches in strong sun Leo A. Martin
- Crinum seed question ? steven hart
- Crinum seed question ? J.E. Shields
- long-blooming Nerine undulata Diane Whitehead
- Northern California bulb meeting Mary Sue Ittner
- Iris lazica and others clayton3120 clayton3120
- Scadoxus katherinae Ina Crossley
- Fwd: PBS website contact:Doubts about germinate bulbs plants ds429@comcast.net
- long-blooming Nerine undulata Ruth Bierhoff
- Iris unguicularis James L. Jones
- Pacific Coast Iris survival, was Iris lazica Pacific Rim
- BX 292 24. Ixia trifolia - source information lost Bulborum Botanicum
- Iris lazica patty allen
- Pacific Coast Iris survival Michael Mace
- BX 292 24. Ixia trifolia - source information lost Michael Mace
- Iris et al clayton3120 clayton3120
- What's blooming in coastal Northern California Mary Sue Ittner
- What's blooming Feb 9 2012 (Pel. E. de Marie) AW
- Attention Everyone : Re: possible mistaken consignment of Botryococcus braunii steven hart
- Pacific Coast Iris Kathleen Sayce
- Blooming Nhu Nguyen
- Nhu's N. Coastal California Blooms Daniel Kerr
- Blooming Bulborum Botanicum
- yellow form of Zephyranthes katherinae Ina Crossley
- growing Scadoxus katherinae in the garden Ina Crossley
- fast Narcissus seedlings - was Iris et al arnold140@verizon.net
- foliar treatment: of Fulvic Acid, BAP99%, Indole-3 Butyric Acid Daniel Kerr
- Double Oxalis compressa Pamela Slate
- foliar treatment: of Fulvic Acid, BAP99%, Indole-3 Butyric Acid arnold140@verizon.net
- Blooming AW
- What's blooming Feb 9 2012 (Pel. E. de Marie) AW
- Libertia ixioides and cranwelliae Peter Taggart
- what is flowering Ton Wijnen
- Need identification Joseph Kraatz
- OT/ PBS contributor's tragic loss Youngs
- Need identification AW
- Winter Projects Richard
- Lily Stratification Richard
- Plants use Circadian rhytms to prepare for battle with insects Zzzpuck@aol.com
- Lily Stratification Gene Mirro
- Blooming Leo A. Martin
- It is wrong to turn plants around Pamela Slate
- Chacun a son gout Leo A. Martin
- Namaqualand bulbs Leo A. Martin
- it is wrong to turn plants around Robin Carrier
- Asparagus Jane McGary
- Asparagus Tony Avent
- off topic Ina Crossley
- Off topic Ina Crossley
- off topic arnold140@verizon.net
- Did Europe steal North America's winter cold? Lee Poulsen
- Asparagus John Grimshaw
- Asparagus Randall P. Linke
- weedy succulent-leafed oxalis ID request Ken
- pbs Digest, Vol 109, Issue 28 CGeat25049@aol.com
- Asparagus Leo A. Martin
- Coin envelopes Leo A. Martin
- weedy succulent-leafed oxalis ID request Leo A. Martin
- it is wrong to turn plants around Reichjke de kuypeurs
- Emails and replying to emails Bill Richardson
- off topic -Glassine envelopes Kathleen Sayce
- Emails ( REPLY TEST ONLY) steven hart
- Lilium cutting experiment steven hart
- Lachenalia blooming was Emails Max Withers
- Lilium cutting experiment ( other link) steven hart
- Coin envelopes Gene Mirro
- reticulate iris season Jane McGary
- Seed envelopes Kathleen Sayce
- bulbous iris season Peter Taggart
- Major excitement in the cold frame (Jim McKenney) Daniel Kerr
- Website checking AW
- Seed envelopes Leo A. Martin
- Pacific Bulb Society BX 303 Dell Sherk
- Maryland gleanings Jim McKenney
- Emails ( REPLY TEST ONLY) Bill Richardson
- sisyrinchium blooming and as wildlife food Richard
- A mystery Moraea Michael Mace
- Pacific Bulb Society BX 303 CLOSED ds429@comcast.net
- A mystery Moraea Michael Mace
- What's blooming 19th February 2012 Ina Crossley
- An antidote to winter? Cross posted to AlpineL and SRGC Jim McKenney
- An antidote to winter? Daniel Kerr
- hybrid Zephyranthes primulina Ina Crossley
- Zephyranthes and Habranthus Ina Crossley
- A mystery Moraea Rhoda and Cameron McMaster
- A mystery Moraea Michael Mace
- Computer virus warning ! steven hart
- Computer virus warning ! Bill Richardson
- What's blooming James L. Jones
- snowdrop stealing? Kathleen Sayce
- What's Blooming Daniel Kerr
- What's blooming Max Withers
- pollinators in slow motion Ina Crossley
- lilies do flower in the caribbean Rahul Grant
- Sujit's Cold Frame Queation (polycarbonate glass houses) steven hart
- Sujit's Cold Frame Queation (polycarbonate glass houses) Paul T.
- Sujit's Cold Frame Queation (polycarbonate glass houses) Bill Richardson
- Iris unguicularis hardiness "Jutta Mäsgen"
- Sujit's Cold Frame Queation (polycarbonate glass houses) Laura & Dave
- Pollinators in slow motion clayton3120 clayton3120
- Pollinators in slow motion Jane McGary
- is this Moraea ciliata? Gastil
- pbs Digest, Vol 109, Issue 49 Jonathan Knisely
- was Pollinators now Spring Crocuses and hybrids and Crocus books Peter Taggart
- Galanthomania in the US Mark McDonough
- BX payments Ken
- is this Moraea ciliata? Michael Mace
- My apologies ... that note was meant to go only to Arnold, please ignore Ken
- what's sprouting in my cold frame Kathleen Sayce
- BX payments arnold140@verizon.net
- what's sprouting in my cold frame Kathleen Sayce
- mixed colchicums Kathleen Sayce
- What's blooming - Lachenalia James L. Jones
- Hybrid Zephyranthes Ina Crossley
- Another mystery Moraea Michael Mace
- Which Galanthus is the true giant snowdrop? Jim McKenney
- pbs Digest, Vol 109, Issue 53 James Wood
- Off topic re search engines Ina Crossley
- Snow Flakes are rising Jonathan Knisely
- Galanthomania in the US Leo A. Martin
- What's Blooming Pamela Slate
- February showers and February flowers Ken
- What's Blooming Mary Sue Ittner
- Habranthus query Erle Randall
- That's Hippeastrum time Marek Walnik
- Snow Flakes are rising Daniel Kerr
- Plant lights ds429@comcast.net
- That's Hippeastrum time A. M. Walnik
- Iris unguicularis hardiness Dennis Kramb
- A question for PBS members Jane McGary
- Asphodelus acaulis arnold140@verizon.net
- Indicator plants Leo A. Martin
- Plant lights Eugene Zielinski
- A question for PBS members arnold140@verizon.net
- Galanthus from Linden Hill Gardens Judy Glattstein
- A question for PBS members arnold140@verizon.net
- Heamanthus Ina Crossley
- Sorta OT: An opportunity to meet other PBS members Laura & Dave
- Galanthus - Giant. John Grimshaw
- Galanthomania in the US John Grimshaw
- Plant lights arnold140@verizon.net
- Galanthus - Giant. Erle Randall
- Questions about membership Jane McGary
- another opportunity for PBS members to meet ds429@comcast.net
Last message date:Wed, 29 Feb 2012 13:08:53 PST
Archived on: Sat, 06 Jan 2024 10:38:08 PST