PBS Business: PBS Market Place

John T Lonsdale john@johnlonsdale.net
Mon, 23 May 2011 06:36:22 PDT

I was and remain interested but when I have things to offer is determined by
my plants calendar, not mine.  For example, I will have rhizomes of surplus
Onco iris species that I raised from seed from Israel, Jordan and Syria
available this year - but not until they are dormant and I've had chance to
go through them in a month or two.  

I think it is a great idea and I assumed offerings are likely to be sporadic
and unpredictable, but nonetheless valuable to the PBS community.



John T Lonsdale PhD
407 Edgewood Drive,
Exton, Pennsylvania 19341, USA

Home: 610 594 9232
Cell: 484 678 9856
Fax: 315 571 9232

Visit "Edgewood" - The Lonsdale Garden at http://www.edgewoodgardens.net/

USDA Zone 6b

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