PBS BX/SX comments

Laura & Dave toadlily@olywa.net
Tue, 03 May 2011 00:47:38 PDT
Just a few quick comments, as it's very late here!

First, I want to add my thanks to all those that work so hard to bring us the 
BX/SX!  As others have stated, I don't know where I would have gotten many of 
the plants I'm growing without it.  The rate increase seems very reasonable, and 
unfortunately, inevitable.

I too have had very little complaint regarding material sent; in fact just 
once.  That time involved some Ledebouria starts, and they arrived a bit soft 
(they are a lot juicier than I would have thought).  I let Dell know, not 
because I wanted anything, but because the information would help him modify the 
way he sends plants of this type, so that they would arrive in better shape in 
future offerings.  I'm sure I'm not alone in offering this type of feedback.  
(Note: after careful cleaning and some special care, some of all three 
selections of Ledebouria took hold, and are now thriving. Yea!)

A way to make the increased costs less painful is to donate more material.  
Sure, you have to pay the shipping costs up front, but not only do you get 
credit for these costs, but you have the gratitude of the members of the group.  
And when you place an order, you can redeem your credit, instead of having to 
spend money; er, well, if you're like me, not spend as much money.

Good Growing to all,
   Dave Brastow
   Tumwater, Washington (7A)

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