Mystery Plant Identification

E Padovani
Thu, 12 May 2011 08:46:20 PDT
Bulb Experts - After assuming ownership of a 45 year old garden on the coast in Waldport, Oregon, we discovered some unusual bulbs growing under debris in a raised bed.  They were transplanted to a well-drained sunny location in sandy soil over a septic drain field.  The leaves are lanceolate, finely barbed on the margins, opposite, 6 to 8 inches long, and appear to be evergreen even after our tough winter.  The bloom stalk is unlike anything I have ever seen before.  It reminds me somewhat of a Protea.   The flowering structure is about 2 inches long by 1/2 inch wide, composed of bracts in a tight "fibonacci" patterned whorl; the reproductive parts appear to be emerging at the top of this structure (see…).

Any information you might provide about this oddity would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!  Elaine

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