Hi, One of my first bulb loves were tulips and even though I have to refrigerate most of the ones I grow every year I still grow a number of pots and every now and then buy a new one to try. Then I experiment to see if under my conditions I can keep them going. A couple of years ago I bought one named Tulipa humilis 'Red Cup'. Although all the bulbs I ordered from this source looked healthy, what I received didn't always turn out to look like the photo in the catalog or to be what they were supposed to be. I am wondering if this is instead Tulipa hageri 'Red Cup'. I have a few offsets to offer to the BX and don't want to perpetuate the wrong name. <http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/…> Also I see on the Internet multiple spellings for: Tulipa humilis 'Albocaerulea-oculata' This is how it is spelled in the Wilford Tulip book. Other variations are Tulipa humilis 'Albo Coerulea Oculata' Tulipa humilis 'Albocoerulea Oculata' Tulipa pulchella var. albocaerulea-occulata Tulipa humilis var. pulchella 'Albocaerulea Oculata' Tulipa humilis albo-caerulea occulata Any Tulipa experts in our group who can help with the correct?/accepted?/name we should call these? on the wiki. Thanks. Mary Sue Mary Sue Ittner California's North Coast Wet mild winters with occasional frost Dry mild summers