Allium /Nectaroscordum

Nhu Nguyen
Thu, 19 May 2011 17:44:39 PDT
On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 1:49 PM, bulborum botanicum <>wrote:

> maybe it is better not to change a name till it is sure the name is correct

If it is this way, we will never be able to put names on anything because
like I said we are discovering new data all the time without a stopping
point. All names, as hard as we try, are human construct of what a species
should be but nature is just not like that. There are variations that keep
us guessing.

Of course I understand the need to keep the same name for commercial
purposes, which is why using the most current name plus a synomym is a good
option that many nurseries here have been doing.


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