BX rate change

The Silent Seed santoury@aol.com
Mon, 02 May 2011 09:31:55 PDT
You have a point - about it being non-profit and the "sales" - I should have used a different term, but we are on the same page nonetheless. 

Not necessarily a monetary refund, but rather, credit, - something along those lines - since I've gotten material that had no chance. 

I suppose I should be specific. First, was my Griffinia (I'm not the only one) - this one was probably due to unnatural cold - which is just one of those things that happens. 
I've received a packet of Haemanthus albiflos seed that were not actually fertile, but rather, spongy yellow "seeds." (They should have been firm, and white.) These may have simply been harvested way too early.
The next instance was an Eucomis that arrived with a very large crack/split from the bottom-up, that was covered in mold inside and out. 

Maybe I'm the only one that has the occasional bad luck, but if the cost is going to increase, then perhaps credit for some items might be appropriate. I understand that Dell does a lot for this volunteer position, and am always grateful - I just feel that, again, while not intending to open a can of worms, there might be a system in place for instances such as these. 

Actually, the fact that this was called "a can of worms" suggests to me that this has come up in the past. It is for this same reason that I've never considered bugging anybody about these items arriving in poor condition. I just feel that being one of those people that simply can't afford to throw money around like water, with stuff arriving dead, I should voice my concern, even though it will probably fall on deaf ears. (No pun intended, being deaf myself.) 

That said, here's another idea: When poor material gets donated, these should be available at a lower rate (or not at all) (instead of my idea of a credit system.) 

Hopefully this can be discussed in an open, mature, thoughtful way, instead of just taking a personal approach to your responses.
Thanks, Jude

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