Of course I understand that new technologies changes a lot and it is good to understand the plant-world its just one moment Smilacina is Maianthemum than they change it back to Smilacina same for some Allium in Nectaroscordum and back Acis in Leucojum and back and so on you understand that we (bulb growers and -salesman) slowly get mad from all these changes customers don't understand it any more they are finally the people who have to buy the plant It is difficult enough to teach them proper Latin names maybe it is better not to change a name till it is sure the name is correct Roland > The changes come about because we were able to gather more data, mostly due > to new technology. In the last 20 years -- R de Boer La Maugardiere 1 F 27260 EPAIGNES FRANCE Phone./Fax 0033-232-576-204 Email: bulborum@gmail.com