Wiki Additions -- Lachenalia, Bartholina, Drimia

Mary Sue Ittner
Thu, 29 May 2008 07:57:02 PDT
I've added pictures of the flowers of the late blooming Lachenalia salteri 
to the wiki now that they have opened. Mine grown from Silverhill seed are 
just like the book said, pink and pale blue and white. Like many other 
Lachenalia species, the light blue has a turquoise tinge to it.…

I made a page for a very beautiful South African tuberous geophyte in the 
orchid family. We were thrilled to see this in the wild on one of our trips 
as it is really quite dramatic.…

I've been slowly working on the Drimia wiki pages and started by adding 
links to the Urginea species we have listed. In the Color Encyclopedia of 
Cape Bulbs they divide Drimia into groups of "former" genera: Drimia, 
Litanthus, Rhadamanthus, Schizobasis, Tenicroa, Urginea
Like with Moraea, some of the flowers of the groups look very different, so 
that probably helps with the keys. I made two new wiki pages of two of 
these groups since I had pictures from Cameron to illustrate them.……

Mary Sue

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