A problem with Lilium cernuum

lucgbulot@aol.com lucgbulot@aol.com
Sat, 10 May 2008 09:51:45 PDT
Hi all,

I was?quite happy a few days ago to see that my newly introduced Lilium cernuum was showing buds. The plant was obtained by mid-April and was already in growth in a container when I planted it. The nursery I bought it from is a very reliable one and I never had problems with plants from them so far.

Nevertheless I found it funny that the buds already appeared when the plant was only about 20cm high. I?would have thought?that the normal flowering size for L. cernuum is between 50-60 cm and the normal flowering time July. So in a way the plant would have been "early"...

Looking at the Lilium?corner today I suddenly realized that the head of my L. cernuum was hanging down and the upper part of the stem below the buds was all flat and somehow mushy... Aside of that the lower part of the plant looks perfectly normal...

I really wonder what happened since the plant was looking perfectly healthy two days ago ? I could not see any pest marks?nor it does look like the plant was hurted or broken by the cats or the wind...

I had a close inspection of all other lilies in the same corner and could not see either anything abnormal. All L. henryi, L. regale, L. lancifolium and L. speciosum f. rubrum are in full growth and does not seem to be affected by any problem...

Anybody else has experienced problems of this type with L. cernuum or any other Lily ? What can be the cause of the problem ?

Thanks in advance for your imputs...


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