These discussions on what grows well for some and not so well for others and is a problem for others are very interesting. I'm amazed that Jim McKenney is so enthusiastic about Allium triquetrum. My husband named it Allium pestum which is a better name for it I think. Invasive in Australia, New Zealand, and Northern California. It needs no supplemental water or care where I live (and we get a lot more rainfall than Max.) It grows along side the roads, in waste areas, near abandoned homes. It's amazing how some of these things spread from what may have been just a few people planting them. Alliums are not something that I have had any luck growing in the ground. Allium unifolium limps along and sometimes blooms, but that's it. I've tried a lot of them and they don't bloom or don't come back after the first year. This is true here and was true in Stockton as well. On the other hand I've had luck with a lot of the ones native to California in pots and some others as well. I'm not sure why the lack of success. Mark McDonough has great luck growing them in the ground. Mary Sue