Alberto Castillo
Fri, 09 May 2008 08:25:36 PDT
I have recently donated fresh from the capsules seed of Canna glauca. Although not a bulb or bulbous it seemed of interest to put in the hands of PBS subscribers this species that as you know, are the parents of "water Cannas". This species, Canna glauca, grows in marshes that are soaking wet the year round, the foliage is perennial and rather greyish instead of the usual lush green associated with Cannas, flowers are quite large for a species in a lovely canary yellow and of good size and very "orchid like". But, the reason why I have sent these is that they come from the southernmost population of any Canna anywhere, south here is associated with cold and should be a lot hardier than any other Canna. Perhaps the beginning of new race of hardier Cannas? This particular population endures many slight frosts during the winter in the open sunny location they grow in. 
Good luck. 
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