Iain Brodie of Falsyde
Fri, 02 May 2008 12:49:43 PDT
In his post, # 10, Jim Shields mentions a friend studying possible relationships amongst Trillium, in particular the, or any, possible "relationship within or between the yellow Trillium luteum and the red-brown Trillium cuneatum along with plants of the latter within populations of the former, posing the question, are they mutants or hybrids". I would suggest neither.

If Jim cares to put his friend in touch I think, initially we may have a three way exchange before I stick my head above the parapet, as I may have a possible suggestion based on a similar analogue I am researching now within the genus Lilium. Early days at the moment but I am extremely intrigued by this situation as it seems to confirm a hypothesis which I am investigating, no more than an hypothesis quite yet and MIGHT? also have an implication for the relative relationships between Liliaceae and Trilliaceae??


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