
aaron floden
Sat, 03 May 2008 05:31:16 PDT
--- "J.E. Shields" <> wrote:

> We did not see T. undulatum, which has not been
> found inside the park so 
> far, nor T. catesbaei, nor T. sulcatum. Still, I
> don't think there are many 
> places where you can spend one weekend, stay within
> a radius of about 20 
> miles, and see 6 species of Trillium in bloom. 

 Surely you meant pusillum not yet being found in the
park. I led wildflower walks in the park over the
weekend in the park  totaling about 24 hours of hiking
and saw T.undulatum in several places.

 As for catesbaei you need to know its habitat which
is not like the others. I tends to the dry Rhododenron
and Kalmia woods on slopes. I saw a lot of it also.
Now sulcatum probably never will be found in the park,
but I have found T.erectum in T.sulcatum territory on
the east slope of the Cumberland Plateau.

 As for hybrids between cuneatum and luteum, areas
north of Knoxville are better places to see this.  The
ranges overlap here and you get some that are obvious
hybrids, which would mean you have to have to
differing  species to get intermediates. I know your
friend and he sees the two as the same species. If he
would take a yellow cuneatum from a colony of the
normal dark cuneatum and place it next to plant of
luteum you would, in my opinion, have to be blind not
to see the differences.

 All the best, 
 Aaron Floden

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