Dear PBS members, My name is Richard Eggenberger, known as Narad in India where I am in charge of building the Gardens of the Matrimandir in Auroville, South India. There is a wealth of information on Auroville and the Matrimandir on the internet as the vision of a universal city built on the ideal of human unity. I have sent my resume to Mary Sue Ittner and have been reading with great interest your excellent articles on bulbs but am afraid I am very deep water here as my focus for the past 40 years has been tropical species. In this southern part of India the coolest night with monsoon rain and wind may hit 68 degrees Fahrenheit! Through the generosity of friends I have about 12 species and hybrids of Zephyranthes and one sp. of Habranthus. I would be most grateful if I could receive bulbs of other species and hybrids that I can carry to India when I return each year from late October to first March during the best planting season. We would like to begin a hybridizing program for the species for which I am especially fond as its spiritual significance in the language of the flowers is "Prayer'. If there are other bulbs that can adapt to this climate, 11 degrees north of the equator, hot and humid, I would be most appreciative of your suggestions. We do grow Crinum (only one or two varieties), Eurycles, Eucharis, Polianthes, and one or two species of Amaryllis that can withstand the intense heat of summer. In any case, I wanted to introduce myself and complement all of you on your expertise. Sincerely, Richard M. Eggenberger (Narad)