Dear Friends, I love these comparisons. When Jane gave her list of easy bulbs it included almost none that I can even coax into growing and some that survive, but just hang on (or should I say suffer). Then Jim Jones gave a mix and match of things from the other coast that either do well or hang on. I think all these comparisons do many things to expand our understanding. Not only is one man's (or woman's) weed and another's TLC treasure, but it also points out the fruitless efforts to identify an invasive species across the US let alone a smaller region. And some some shock from Erin about her inability to make Convallaria and Leucojum survive among others. Add to this that I know some bulbs do fine a few miles from my home, but I cannot do anything to make them vaguely happy here. My undependable bulbs include: Fritillaria imperialis . Next time I feel the urge to try a bulb, I'll just plant a $10 bill in the ground and get the same return. Martagon lilies - forget them. Never had a bloom although most lilies do just fine and I wouldn't be without them. West coast stuff - a long list of losses here from Brodiea (sp?) to Dichelostoma to Tritelia and Fritillaria. Trillium grandiflorum. A single plant survives as T. "mini-florum". I do grow maybe 10 + others (all eastern species) and never tried the western species (see above on Western bulbs). But there are confusing specifics from the other contributors here. Leucojum aestivum is easy here (even 'Gravetye Giant' now in full bloom), Narcissus calicola I've never tried, but assumed it would not be hardy enough..Hmmm. and many more I won't dwell on. Is this location, location or real cultivation differences, Zonal denials? what? Personally I think it emphasizes the NEED to try an old standby again and again if necessary to find the right place. Of course my fingers remained cross that there is no sign of Narcissus fly, but we do have the iris borer (Give one, take another). So I'll continue to share experiences and try to learn by others success AND failures, but always with a lingering doubt until I have grown or killed it here. A friend in S. Carolina just sent me a few things to try. I know some are destined for the cool greenhouse, but some will take their chance in the globally warming garden with crosses fingers. Maybe this is THE YEAR they'll survive and get established. Many thanks for all who have contributed experiences pro and con and I can hardly wait for more. Best Jim W. -- Dr. James W. Waddick 8871 NW Brostrom Rd. Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711 USA Ph. 816-746-1949 Zone 5 Record low -23F Summer 100F +