I was interested in Ian's comments as I like to garden at least partly for fragrance. However, I have come to the conclusion that this is such a subjective thing, that it is almost beyond comprehension: even for two people standing in front of the same plant. For example there isn't a fragrance that I can recall (in plants) that I think of as too sweet or sickly, yet many people do express this for some of my favorites. Not only that but we know that in the biosphere our sense of smell is close to nonexistent, compared to many mammals, birds, or even insects, & very individualistic. Certainly we are at, or close to, the bottom of the pack. That is why I am very suspicious of this as a criterion for plant I.D. unless it's based on machines such as gas chromatography. I find tree peonies to be more fragrant than herbaceous, which I mostly think of as having a vaguely unpleasant smell. I don't know whether a plants fragrance is modified by cultural conditions, but, considering how many other aspects are, it would be hard for me to believe that it is not. Surely, at least as likely to compound the issue is individual (human) variation. This is both the delight & the problem. Robin Bell, Ithaca, NY .