Dear All, The items listed below have been donated by our members to be shared. If you are interested in obtaining some of them, please email me PRIVATELY at <>. Include "BX 172" in the subject line. Specify the NUMBERS of the items which you would like; do not specify quantities. It is a good idea to include your snail mail address, too, in case I don't already have it. Availability is based on a first come, first served system. When you receive your seeds/bulbs you will find, included with them, a statement of how much money (usually $2.00/item) (cash, check, or Pay Pal to <>; no money orders, please) you should send the PBS treasurer to defray our costs for packing and first-class, priority-mail, or international postage. PLEASE NOTE: NEW POSTAL-RATE SCHEMES NECESSITATE OUR PLACING A SURCHARGE ON EACH ORDER FROM PBS BX OFFERINGS. Some of you are members of the online PBS discussion forum but are not members of the Pacific Bulb Society. THIS BX OFFERING IS AVAILABLE ONLY TO MEMBERS OF THE PBS. Consider joining the PBS so that you can take advantage of future offers such as this. Go to our website: <> .... If you would like to donate seeds or bulbs/corms to the PBS,(Donors will receive credit on the BX for the cost of postage for their donations.), please send CLEAN, clearly labeled material to: Dell Sherk 6832 Phillips Mill Rd. New Hope, PA, 18938 USA I WILL REPLY TO YOU WITHIN 24 HRS OF MY RECEIPT OF YOUR ORDER. IF YOU DO NOT HEAR FROM ME, TRY AGAIN !! From Carolyn Craft: 1. Varied sized bulbs of Muscari armeniacum From Jim Waddick: 2. Bulbs of Hymenocallis littoralis See… alis.jpg This is an easy Hymenocallis in pots protected from freezing. In the course of a couple of years it has burst through a 5 gallon pot. A good Hymenocallis for beginners or those new to this genus. 3. Bulbs of Hymenocallis sp. I got this bulb from a friend who had no idea what it was and it never bloomed for him. I recognized it as a Hymenocallis and placed the potted bulb in a tub of water where it quickly doubled in size, bloomed and began to off set vigorously. Sorry no idea of species, but it is not the same as the previous or H. latifolia or 'Tropical Giant', the only others I grow. From Tsuh Yang Chen: SEED: 4. Sinningia amambayensis -- from the region on the border between brazil and paraguay, this species has attractive light green -- very sticky -- leaves and red flowers. it requires relatively low-light/shady conditions. 5. Sinningia iarae -- from the coast of Sao Paulo State, it has furry leaves, cerise-red flowers, very attractive. relatively shady/low-light conditions. forms a nice sized tuber with age. 6. Sinningia species 'Ibitioca' -- a relatively new species in cultivation, attractive furry light green leaves with deep purple flowers. requires strong light to grow well and bloom. 7. Sinningia bulbosa -- from the beaches in the city of Rio de Janeiro, forms enormous tubers with age, light green leaves, red flowers. requires very sunny conditions. 8. Sinningia globulosa -- attractive furry leaves and red flowers with furry calices. 9. Sinningia aff. reitzii -- from Sao Paulo State, this plant seems distinct from the "true" reitzii found in Corupa, Santa Catarina State. the main difference is that this species produces a pedicel with a single flower, whereas Corupa produces a peduncle with 2 flowers. i'm told some preliminary DNA testing suggests it's a distinct species from Corupa. relatively shady conditions, forms a tall shrub from a tuber. flowers can be red or pink. this seed is from the pink form. 10. Sinningia sp. "Rio das Pedras" -- from the coast of Rio de Janeiro State, one of the miniature Sinn. species, perhaps related to S. concinna and S. pusilla, the other miniature Sinn. tiny tubers that form serrated, striped leaves and light lavender flowers. very small plant, requiring shady conditions. From PBS: 11. Seed of Haemanthus montanus 12. Seed of Nerine huttonii 13. Seed of Brunsvigia grandiflora Thank you, Carolyn, Jim, and Tsuh Yang !! Best wishes, Dell Dell Sherk, Director, PBS BX