Invader bulbs in the nearby park along the Bronx River here in southern Westchester county (NY), just north of the Bronx line, include galanthus and scilla, both of which seem to relish the floodplain soil not far from the "river" (more a creek). A purple annual (biennial?) corydalis grows in one area as well, in woodland like the others. Natives include the Erythronium americanum, Allium tricoccum (blooms after the leaves fade in summer), Dicentra cucullata, skunk cabbage, Sanginaria canadensis, and a few others. I've tried to introduce a few things myself, namely native Podophyllum (extra rhizome divisions I planted in various locations a few weeks ago), Iris hexagona (I think a clump is still hanging on by a lake part of the river), and last fall I planted Asimina triloba seeds in scattered locations from a friends trees in nearby Bronxville. Less pleasant invaders include Ameliopsis, Celastrus, garlic mustard, pachysandra, English ivy, and Norway maple. While I am sure the galanthus and scilla got there from garden refuse, they have apparently spread by seed on their own for years, sometimes forming large colonies. Oh yeah, the biggest threat to all of the woodland low growers, scads of Ranunculus ficaria, now that is one plant that is way out of control in wet soils! At least it seems to avoid the drier slopes where the dutchman's breeches is found. Ernie DeMarie (zone 6/7) where remarkably some Pelargonium alchemilloides are sprouting back from the roots, as is a gazania "Christopher Lloyd". Ditto several cultivars of Salvia greggii, though never the peach colored one. **************Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family favorites at AOL Food. (…)