We grow a lot of South African bulbs here, but almost all of them inside the greenhouses. The summer growing Nerine are summered outdoors, most in full sun but the N. bowdenii in the lath house (partial shade). We have one plant of Kniphofia northiae that has survived in the raised rock garden for several years; and Gladiolus oppositiflorus salmoneus survive outdoors all year round in one or two beds. We have a few Crinum that survive the winters outdoors in the ground here, but I'm not sure any of them actually grow in the Drakensberg. C. [bulbispermum X Natal lugardiae] are pretty winter hardy here, as are C. variabile and C. [variabile X bulbispermum]. An occasional C. [macowanii X bulbispermum] and C. [graminicola X bulbipsermum] or the reverse crosses will survive one of our winters. I have one Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Green Goddess' that survives outdoors in the ground all year round, but only right up against the greenhouse wall. Z. rehmannii ought to as well, since some of its hybrids do (e.g., 'Black Forest', 'Black Pearl'). We grow Z. albomaculata only in pots and winter them indoors, dry and cool. Inside the greenhouses, the sky is the limit! Haemanthus, Clivia, Lachenalia, Massonia, etc. Lachenalia and Massonia are strictly winter rainfall plants, of course. Clivia caulescens qualifies as a Drakensberg plant I think, since it grows at Gods Window. Haemanthus albiflos and H. pauculifolius are probably berg plants too. Nerine bowdenii have survived the winter outdoors in the ground here, but they just barely make it; and they never bloom in the ground. Jim Shields in central Indiana (USA) ************************************************* Jim Shields USDA Zone 5 Shields Gardens, Ltd. P.O. Box 92 WWW: http://www.shieldsgardens.com/ Westfield, Indiana 46074, USA Tel. ++1-317-867-3344 or toll-free 1-866-449-3344 in USA