Jane wrote - "I did think Almond's talk overemphasized the difficulty of growing these plants; someone else on this forum commented that perhaps they are more difficult outdoors in England, and I wonder if it's latitude that causes the problem -- less winter sunlight. It often seems that the bulbs shown in AGS journal photos are more elongated in growth than they would be here in Oregon, even though sunlight is not a common occurrence for us in winter" Jane - it is the year-round wetness, or threat of it, that makes many of these geophytes difficult outdoors in England, even in well drained beds. Cool damp weather is not what they need. Many of the Junos I would grow outside here are grown in pots and they definitely etiolate a lot under glass, even with good ventilation. The etiolation gets worse the further north you go. Many are grown primarily for showing - and that requires them to be portable, and there is also a definite tendency to overstate difficulty of culture, especially among the show fraternity. All the best, John John T Lonsdale PhD 407 Edgewood Drive, Exton, Pennsylvania 19341, USA Home: 610 594 9232 Cell: 484 678 9856 Fax: 801 327 1266 Visit "Edgewood" - The Lonsdale Garden at http://www.edgewoodgardens.net/ USDA Zone 6b .