Luc; I grow about 6 species of Kniphofia on your list and some others, including K. brachystachya, caulescens (winter-flowering; just finishing now), ichopensis, laxiflora, triangularis etc. Agapanthus coddii is an evergreen species but not for me. It really performs with tall, big blue flowers in July. I've grown Albuca rupestris, shawii and fastigiata var floribunda for about 4 years. They flower very well and produce a lot of seed. Littonia modesta has been in this garden for 20 years or so. It rises very late (June) and makes a good amount of seed also. Zantedeschia jucunda isn't on your list but it does well. I love its bright yellow flowers. A couple more that aren't on your list but are in the same group are Nerine pudica (white flowers in late Autumn) and Crinum bulbispermum (first bloom last summer). Cheers, Brent Hine UBC Botanical Garden Vancouver, BC Canada Zone 7a