The Hellebores seedlings were very exciting for me. I'd like them all over. Same with the Alstoemeria. And I planted tons and tons of Iphieon. And....I put all my seedling Velthemias in the ground under the big Japanese maple in front and they made it through our low 20's; one is blooming. Next year they'll probably drop dead. When we first moved up here, I ordered some assorted plants from a source on the east coast and they arrived all mush. What did survive was the Allium triquetrum and when they bloomed I realized what they were (this was before my joining PBS). From just a few I have them all over now and am relentlessly pulling them out. I'll never win. s. At 10:57 PM -0500 5/5/08, James Waddick wrote: > Thinking anew about the latter, and with the chief suspect ( >Ornithogalum umbellatum) in bloom. Gee it looks a lot like Iphieon >'Albert Castillo' only easier and cheaper. > Come to think of it, I don't think there is any really weedy >bulb here; even the Pinellias are easy to control and I rarely feel >like I have to pull them up. Allium triquetrum I've tried a couple of >times without any luck. It's in the 'ugly' category above. >Alstroemeria aurantiaca... I wish. But speaking of Hellebores >(Susan), the x orientalis types self seed very freely, but I just >donated a couple hundred to a local shade garden sale. Not a problem. -- susan hayek; on the coast of NorCal --, 2008 my flicker fotos: