
James Waddick
Thu, 15 May 2008 07:39:11 PDT
	I guess I have to put in my 2 cents that I really don't care 
if a plant has fragrant flowers or not. The form, color and quantity 
of flowers is far more important and fragrance is a plus.  I can 
certainly enjoy coral peonies (including the just finished 'Coral 
Fay' a real beauty with single hot coral flowers) and I don't find 
their fragrance to carry much in any case.
	Since I rarely cut any flowers, but prefer to enjoy them in 
place on the plant and in the garden, again fragrance is a peripheral 
	Plants grown for fragrance have to have other qualities too 
like Viburnum (esp carlesii) Daphne (various) and Lilacs all fragrant 
enough to scent large areas of the garden without having to stuff my 
nose into their centers. Each has excellent form, nice abundant 
flowers and ease of care.

	If a plant can carry its charms without fragrance, no 
fragrance will win it over for me.  And some plants with an abundant 
'nasty' fragrance such as Dracunculus and other aroids, also doesn't 
necessarily restrain my enthusiasm for their other qualities.
	Right now the Peony 'Windflower' is charming me endlessly by 
its small, anemone-like blooms on elegant cut foliage in light shade. 
I stop every time I walk near it to admire its whole vision of 
balance, proportion and dignified beauty. I don't have a clue if it 
is even fragrant at all. Never sniffed it.

	And allergies have stuffed my nose enough to make fragrance a 
theory only. 		best		Jim W.
Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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