Hi, I've been working on enlarging the Lachenalia pages on the wiki (split them up more and added three new ones so none would take too long to load) and have added a lot of new pictures from a number of sources, both additional species pictures and additional pictures of species already illustrated. It would take too long to note all the additions with links so I'll just give you the link to the index page and the table and those people who are interested in Lachenalia can check it out. http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/… New species added : L. angelica, congesta, gillettii (from seed from a reliable source, but not the color expected so could be something else I suppose if any experts want to check), isopetala, longibracteata, mediana, namibiensis, salteri (in bud as it is just about to bloom), zeyheri Also illustrated (we had text from Don Journet but no pictures) now are L. arbuthnotiae, L. bolusii, L. fistulosa, L. framesii We still have no pictures for described species L. algoensis and L. schelpei so if anyone has pictures of these two species, we'd love to add them to the wiki. Other species already illustrated with just a picture or maybe two now have additional pictures. Some unknown person uploaded a picture of L. zebrina very recently and needs to edit the page and add the credits for it. Mary Sue Coastal Northern California where it's going to be unusually blazing hot today and we have no air conditioning. It may finish off some of my bulbs and open up some of the Calochortus. Having a drier than usual spring this year has meant a good year for Watsonia coccinea (perhaps as I'm never sure why some years they come up and other years they do not). I'm very fond of this species which is a nice color and nice size and does not spread too much and I hope it will hold on for another day or two.