Was: Sowing seed i.. now Junos

Jane McGary janemcgary@earthlink.net
Sun, 04 May 2008 22:07:59 PDT
Jim Waddick wrote,
"       And if you like 'Warlsind', you must get 'Sindpers', the
>reverse cross. I got mine from Jane McGary and it is a knock out."

Interestingly, 'Sindpers' is one of the cultivars that Jim Almond, in his 
talk on Junos at the NARGS/AGCBC Western Winter Study Weekend this year, 
said could not be grown in the open garden. However, I've had it in the 
open (admittedly, on a high sand-and-gravel berm) for a couple of years, 
and it is increasing fast and flowered wonderfully this wet, cold winter. I 
did think Almond's talk overemphasized the difficulty of growing these 
plants; someone else on this forum commented that perhaps they are more 
difficult outdoors in England, and I wonder if it's latitude that causes 
the problem -- less winter sunlight. It often seems that the bulbs shown in 
AGS journal photos are more elongated in growth than they would be here in 
Oregon, even though sunlight is not a common occurrence for us in winter.

Today it is beautifully sunny, but I don't know if I'll make it out to the 
bulb frames as I'm on crutches for a few days (sprained knee ... again). 
Not a good condition when you live in a 3-level house and a terraced garden.

Jane McGary
Northwestern Oregon, USA

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