Dennis, it's one of my favorite plants. I've bought a few into the garden over the years - I'm always on the lookout for forms with attractively spotted foliage. I've seen some very fat, stout, nicely spotted Manfreda in a local garden - it's labeled M. virginica although as a garden ornament it's pretty distinct. Early in the season the leaves have a strongly rippled edge - very cool! If your plants do bloom and you have access to tuberose pollen, do some crosses. Manfreda virginica and Polianthes tuberosa will cross and produce viable seeds (and this suggests that the botanists need to take another look!). Conroe Joe might have something more to say about this interesting genus: he's down in a hotbed of Manfreda culture, where several species and cultivated forms of dubious origin will thrive. If my plant of Manfreda singuliflora blooms again this year, I'll be doing some other crosses, too. This is evidently hardy here, and it may be in Cincinnati, too. Unfortunately, Manfreda singuliflora does not have a scent that I can detect, so some tuberose hybrids here might improve things. Jim McKenney Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where sadly there are no rattlesnakes for the Manfreda to master (did I say that last year?).